Articles | Volume 36, issue 4
Research article
03 Jul 2024
Research article |  | 03 Jul 2024

H2 mobility and redox control in open vs. closed hydrothermal oceanic systems – evidence from serpentinization experiments

Colin Fauguerolles, Teddy Castelain, Johan Villeneuve, and Michel Pichavant

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Short summary
To explore the influence of the redox state of the environment on the serpentinization reaction, we have developed an original experimental setup. Reducing conditions, leading to the formation of serpentine and magnetite, and oxidizing conditions, leading to the formation of serpentine and hematite, are discussed in terms of analogues of low- and high-permeability hydrothermal systems, respectively. The influence of the redox on brucite stability and hydrogen production is also established.