Articles | Volume 36, issue 4
Research article
08 Aug 2024
Research article |  | 08 Aug 2024

Re-equilibration of quartz inclusions in garnet

Benjamin A. Pummell and Jay B. Thomas

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Cited articles

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Angel, R. J., Mazzucchelli, M. L., Alvaro, M., Nimis, P., and Nestola, F.: Geobarometry from host-inclusion systems: The role of elastic relaxation, Am. Mineral., 99, 2146–2149,, 2014. 
Angel, R. J., Nimis, P., Mazzucchelli, M. L., Alvaro, M., and Nestola, F.: How large are departures from lithostatic pressure? Constraints from host–inclusion elasticity, J. Metamorph. Geol., 33, 801–813,, 2015. 
Angel, R. J., Alvaro, M., Miletich, R., and Nestola, F.: A simple and generalised P-T-V EoS for continuous phase transitions, implemented in EosFit and applied to quartz, Contrib. Mineral. Petr., 172, 1–15,, 2017a. 
Short summary
Mechanical interaction between quartz inclusions in garnet creates residual pressure in the inclusion used to calculate the pressure and temperature where the two minerals formed. We crystallised quartz and garnet at high pressure and temperature and then adjusted the experimental pressure to observe the interaction between the quartz inclusions and garnet host. The quartz and garnet adjust to the new experimental pressures, reset inclusion pressures, and no longer match entrapment conditions.