Articles | Volume 34, issue 3
Research article
27 Jun 2022
Research article |  | 27 Jun 2022

Graulichite-(La), LaFe3+3(AsO4)2(OH)6, a new addition to the alunite supergroup from the Patte d'Oie mine, Bou Skour mining district, Morocco

Cristian Biagioni, Marco E. Ciriotti, Georges Favreau, Daniela Mauro, and Federica Zaccarini

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Cited articles

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Short summary
The paper reports the type description of the new mineral species graulichite-(La). This is a new addition to the dussertite group within the alunite supergroup, and its discovery improves our knowledge on the crystal chemistry of this important supergroup of minerals, having both technological and environmental applications.