Articles | Volume 34, issue 5
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Weathering of stannite–kësterite [Cu2(Fe,Zn)SnS4] and the environmental mobility of the released elements
Patrick Haase
Institute of Geosciences, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany
Stefan Kiefer
Institute of Geosciences, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany
Kilian Pollok
Institute of Geosciences, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany
Petr Drahota
Institute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Mineral Resources, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Juraj Majzlan
Institute of Geosciences, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany
Related authors
Juraj Majzlan, Anna Reichstein, Patrick Haase, Martin Števko, Jiří Sejkora, and Edgar Dachs
Eur. J. Mineral., 36, 31–54,,, 2024
Short summary
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Minerals formed by weathering of toxic materials, of either natural or human origin, act as storage containers for toxic elements. In this work, we investigated properties of common minerals which store and release arsenic in the environment. The data presented here will allow for improved modeling of the polluted sites and for better remediation strategies that could be applied to minimize the impact of the pollution on the environment.
Juraj Majzlan, Ralph Bolanz, Jörg Göttlicher, Martin Števko, Tomáš Mikuš, Mária Čaplovičová, Jan Filip, Jiří Tuček, Christiane Rößler, and Christian Matthes
Eur. J. Mineral., 37, 101–110,,, 2025
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Many chemical elements occur in rocks, in ore deposits, and in the environment in trace amounts. One of them is the element tungsten. It is not clear, however, where the trace amounts of tungsten reside and how they move around. In this work, we found that the element tungsten can be carried by a common iron oxide mineral, hematite. It can be transported in hematite and released under appropriate conditions, for example in reducing environments.
Juraj Majzlan, Anna Reichstein, Patrick Haase, Martin Števko, Jiří Sejkora, and Edgar Dachs
Eur. J. Mineral., 36, 31–54,,, 2024
Short summary
Short summary
Minerals formed by weathering of toxic materials, of either natural or human origin, act as storage containers for toxic elements. In this work, we investigated properties of common minerals which store and release arsenic in the environment. The data presented here will allow for improved modeling of the polluted sites and for better remediation strategies that could be applied to minimize the impact of the pollution on the environment.
Khulan Berkh, Juraj Majzlan, Jeannet A. Meima, Jakub Plášil, and Dieter Rammlmair
Eur. J. Mineral., 35, 737–754,,, 2023
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Since As is detrimental to the environment, the As content of ores should be reduced before it is released into the atmosphere through a smelting process. Thus, Raman spectra of typical As minerals were investigated, and these can be used in the industrial removal of As-rich ores prior to the ore beneficiation. An additional objective of our study was an investigation of the secondary products of enargite weathering. They play a decisive role in the release or retainment of As in the waste form.
Juraj Majzlan, Alexandra Plumhoff, Martin Števko, Gwladys Steciuk, Jakub Plášil, Edgar Dachs, and Artur Benisek
Eur. J. Mineral., 35, 157–169,,, 2023
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This research was done to understand how toxic elements, such as copper or arsenic, move through the environment. The data presented here can be used to model mobility of such elements and to improve remediation strategies at sites contaminated by mining.
Juraj Majzlan, Stefan Kiefer, Kristina Lilova, Tamilarasan Subramani, Alexandra Navrotsky, Edgar Dachs, and Artur Benisek
Eur. J. Mineral., 33, 357–371,,, 2021
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Chapmanite is a seemingly rare mineral, a silicate of the elements iron and antimony. In this work, we evaluated how stable and how soluble this mineral is. The goal was to determine if this mineral can store the toxic element antimony. Our results show that it is possible, but its formation in nature is hindered and slow. Yet, in some special environments, it could store and keep antimony over longer time.
Alexandra M. Plumhoff, Jakub Plášil, Edgar Dachs, Artur Benisek, Jiří Sejkora, Martin Števko, Mike S. Rumsey, and Juraj Majzlan
Eur. J. Mineral., 32, 285–304,,, 2020
Agathe Martignier, Montserrat Filella, Kilian Pollok, Michael Melkonian, Michael Bensimon, François Barja, Falko Langenhorst, Jean-Michel Jaquet, and Daniel Ariztegui
Biogeosciences, 15, 6591–6605,,, 2018
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The unicellular microalga Tetraselmis cordiformis (Chlorophyta) was recently discovered to form intracellular mineral inclusions, called micropearls, which had been previously overlooked. The present study shows that 10 Tetraselmis species out of the 12 tested share this biomineralization capacity, producing amorphous calcium carbonate inclusions often enriched in Sr. This novel biomineralization process can take place in marine, brackish or freshwater and is therefore a widespread phenomenon.
Aileen Meier, Anne Kastner, Dennis Harries, Maria Wierzbicka-Wieczorek, Juraj Majzlan, Georg Büchel, and Erika Kothe
Biogeosciences, 14, 4867–4878,,, 2017
Short summary
Short summary
Biomineralization of (magnesium) calcite and vaterite by bacterial isolates was observed using isolates from limestone associated groundwater, rock and soil. More than 92 % of isolates could form carbonates with different crystal macromorphologies. Using different conditions like varying temperature, pH or media components but also cocultivation to test for collaborative effects of sympatric bacteria, mechanisms of calcium carbonate formation were studied.
E. Schütze, A. Weist, M. Klose, T. Wach, M. Schumann, S. Nietzsche, D. Merten, J. Baumert, J. Majzlan, and E. Kothe
Biogeosciences, 10, 3605–3614,,, 2013
Related subject area
Electron microscopy of minerals and rocks
Carbon-containing pyrite spherules: mineral biosignatures in black smokers?
Dauphiné twin in a deformed quartz: characterization by electron channelling contrast imaging and large-angle convergent-beam diffraction
Late metamorphic veins with dominant PS-15 polygonal serpentine in the Monte Avic ultramafite
Dislocation and disclination densities in experimentally deformed polycrystalline olivine
Appearance, study and a possible correction for boron: a phenomenon in ultra-soft X-ray measurements using a synthetic multilayer crystal and the EPMA
The hierarchical internal structure of labradorite
Automatic element and mineral detection in thin sections using hyperspectral transmittance imaging microscopy (HyperTIM)
Vanadium carbides in shungite
Multi-scale characterization of glaucophane from Chiavolino (Biella, Italy): implications for international regulations on elongate mineral particles
Investigating crystal orientation patterns of foraminiferal tests by electron backscatter diffraction analysis
Chloé Truong, Sylvain Bernard, François Baudin, Aurore Gorlas, and François Guyot
Eur. J. Mineral., 36, 813–830,,, 2024
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Short summary
Known as black smokers, sulfur-rich hydrothermal vents expel hot metal-rich water (~ 400°C). These extreme environments host micro-organisms capable of living at over 100°C. But to date, we do not know whether these microorganisms influence the formation of hydrothermal vents. The comparative study of minerals along the chimney wall is an essential step in determining whether microorganisms may have colonized and influenced mineral formation in certain parts of the chimney.
Nobuyoshi Miyajima, Danielle Silva Souza, and Florian Heidelbach
Eur. J. Mineral., 36, 709–719,,, 2024
Short summary
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Dauphiné twin (DT) domains in a deformed quartz were visualized for the first time by using orientation-optimized electron channelling contrast imaging under Bragg conditions of the rhombohedral planes. The different contrast of a pair of DT domains in the backscattered electron images originates not from a misorientation between the two domains but from different diffraction intensities between positive and negative rhombohedral planes in quartz.
Luca Barale, Giancarlo Capitani, Paolo Castello, Roberto Compagnoni, Roberto Cossio, Gianluca Fiore, Linda Pastero, and Marcello Mellini
Eur. J. Mineral., 35, 347–360,,, 2023
Short summary
Short summary
The first occurrence of centimeter-thick PS-15 polygonal serpentine veins from ultramafics of Monte Avic, Val d'Aosta, is here reported. The combined mineralogical study led by three techniques with different resolutions has provided new analytical tools capable of recognizing the PS-15 polygonal serpentine. In particular, X-ray powder diffraction data (XRPD) and micro-Raman recognize polygonal serpentine more quickly and easily than transmission electron microscopy (TEM) but equally rigorously.
Sylvie Demouchy, Manuel Thieme, Fabrice Barou, Benoit Beausir, Vincent Taupin, and Patrick Cordier
Eur. J. Mineral., 35, 219–242,,, 2023
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We report a comprehensive data set characterizing and quantifying two types of mineral defects in the most abundant mineral of Earth's upper mantle: olivine. Namely, we investigate translation defects of dislocation and rotation defects, called disclinations, in polycrystalline olivine deformed in uniaxial compression or torsion, at high temperature and pressure. The defects are identified via mapping of the crystallographic disorientation detected using electron backscatter diffraction.
Franziska Daniela Helena Wilke
Eur. J. Mineral., 35, 59–64,,, 2023
Short summary
Short summary
When detecting the light element boron in solid materials with, in part, considerably lower concentrations of boron than present in natural tourmalines by using the electron microprobe, irregularities become visible in the analyses. This was for the first time experienced in synthetic diamond that was contaminated with boron to achieve a blue color. With this work, one can check if boron analyses are reasonable, and if not, one can correct them.
Emilia Götz, Hans-Joachim Kleebe, and Ute Kolb
Eur. J. Mineral., 34, 393–410,,, 2022
Short summary
Short summary
Labradorite displays various structural features which have received attention in science for a long time. In this paper an electron microscopy study was performed investigating the hierarchical structure and connecting its features over several orders of magnitude. In addition, the atomic structure was solved with three-dimensional electron diffraction, showing results comparable to X-ray diffraction data and demonstrating the potential of the method to solve complicated crystal structures.
Helge L. C. Daempfling, Christian Mielke, Nicole Koellner, Melanie Lorenz, Christian Rogass, Uwe Altenberger, Daniel E. Harlov, and Michael Knoper
Eur. J. Mineral., 34, 275–284,,, 2022
Short summary
Short summary
In this study we present a novel method for the automatic detection of minerals and elements using hyperspectral transmittance imaging microscopy measurements of complete thin sections (HyperTIM).
Vladimir V. Kovalevski and Igor A. Moshnikov
Eur. J. Mineral., 34, 131–141,,, 2022
Short summary
Short summary
Vanadium carbides in shungite are shown to be present in several forms, which reflects the distinctive conditions of their formation. An ordered carbon film revealed on the vanadium carbide particles could protect the particles from transformations for a long time. The parageneses of vanadium carbide and roscoelite occur, indicating that roscoelite in shungite rocks may be a secondary mineral formed upon vanadium carbide decomposition.
Ruggero Vigliaturo, Sabrina M. Elkassas, Giancarlo Della Ventura, Günther J. Redhammer, Francisco Ruiz-Zepeda, Michael J. O'Shea, Goran Dražić, and Reto Gieré
Eur. J. Mineral., 33, 77–112,,, 2021
Stephanie Pabich, Christian Vollmer, and Nikolaus Gussone
Eur. J. Mineral., 32, 613–622,,, 2020
Short summary
Short summary
Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) is a powerful tool to visualize and differentiate between foraminiferal test structures, by providing information on crystal orientation and crystal sizes. This can be used to trace diagenetic recrystallization, altering geochemical proxy signals. The sediment samples from a core from the equatorial Pacific used here, spanning the last 45 Myr, showed no evidence for foraminiferal recrystallization, highlighting the suitability as geochemical proxy archive.
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Short summary
Stannite decomposition leads to the precipitation of an amorphous and metastable Sn–Fe–As-rich phase. With ageing, goethite and cassiterite crystallize from the precursor and mark the end of the weathering cycle. Other elements are lost in the initial stage of weathering (e.g. Zn, S) or after full oxidation of the sulfidic material (e.g. Cu, Ag). Electron microprobe (EMP) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analyses were performed to witness the mobility of the released elements.
Stannite decomposition leads to the precipitation of an amorphous and metastable Sn–Fe–As-rich...