Articles | Volume 33, issue 4
Research article
12 Aug 2021
Research article |  | 12 Aug 2021

Intracrystalline melt migration in deformed olivine revealed by trace element compositions and polyphase solid inclusions

Valentin Basch, Martyn R. Drury, Oliver Plumper, Eric Hellebrand, Laura Crispini, Fabrice Barou, Marguerite Godard, and Elisabetta Rampone

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This preprint is open for discussion and under review for Solid Earth (SE).
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Cited articles

Basch, V., Rampone, E., Crispini, L., Ferrando, C., Ildefonse, B., and Godard, M.: From mantle peridotites to hybrid troctolites: textural and chemical evolution during melt–rock interaction history (Mt. Maggiore, Corsica, France), Lithos, 323, 4–23,, 2018. 
Basch, V., Rampone, E., Borghini, G., Ferrando, C., and Zanetti, A.: Origin of pyroxenites in the oceanic mantle and their implications on the reactive percolation of depleted melts, Contrib. Mineral. Petr., 174, 97,, 2019a. 
Basch, V., Rampone, E., Crispini, L., Ferrando, C., Ildefonse, B., and Godard, M.: Multi-stage reactive formation of troctolites in slow-spreading oceanic lithosphere (Erro–Tobbio, Italy): a combined field and petrochemical study, J. Petrol., 60, 873–906,, 2019b. 
Bédard, J. H.: Parental magmas of the Nain Plutonic Suite anorthosites and mafic cumulates: a trace element modelling approach, Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 141, 747–771,, 2001. 
Borghini, G. and Rampone, E.: Postcumulus processes in oceanic-type olivine-rich cumulates: the role of trapped melt crystallization versus melt–rock interaction, Contrib. Mineral. Petr., 154, 619–633,, 2007. 
Short summary
This paper investigates the possibility for melts to migrate within extensively deformed crystals and assesses the impact of this intracrystalline melt percolation on the chemical composition of the deformed crystal. We here document that the presence of melt within a crystal greatly enhances chemical diffusive re-equilibration between the percolating melt and the mineral and that such a process occurring at crystal scale can impact the large-scale composition of the oceanic lithosphere.