Articles | Volume 35, issue 5
Research article
18 Oct 2023
Research article |  | 18 Oct 2023

Contrasting appinites, vaugnerites and related granitoids from the NW Iberian Massif: insight into mantle and crustal sources

Gumer Galán, Gloria Gallastegui, Andrés Cuesta, Guillermo Corretgé, Ofelia Suárez, and Luis González-Menéndez

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Preprint withdrawn

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Cited articles

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Short summary
Two examples of granites in the Variscan Iberian Massif were studied because they are associated with mafic rocks (appinites and vaugnerites), which raise the question of the role of mantle magma in the formation of granitic rocks. We conclude that appinites and vaugnerites derived from melting of different mantle sources, both previously modified by interaction with crustal materials. Subsequent differentiation of appinites and vaugnerites was influenced by contamination with coeval granites.