Articles | Volume 35, issue 5
Research article
15 Sep 2023
Research article |  | 15 Sep 2023

Genetic model for the color anomalies at the termination of pegmatitic gem tourmaline crystals from the island of Elba, Italy

Alessandra Altieri, Federico Pezzotta, Giovanni B. Andreozzi, Henrik Skogby, and Ferdinando Bosi

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Cited articles

Altieri, A., Pezzotta, F., Skogby, H., Hålenius, U., and Bosi, F.: Blue-growth zones caused by Fe2+ in tourmaline crystals from the San Piero in Campo gem-bearing pegmatites, Elba Island, Italy, Mineral Mag., 86, 910–919,, 2022. 
Altieri, A., Pezzotta, F., Skogby, H., Hålenius, U., and Bosi, F.: Dark-coloured Mn-rich overgrowths in an elbaitic tourmaline crystal from the Rosina pegmatite, San Piero in Campo, Elba Island, Italy: witness of late-stage opening of the geochemical system, Mineral Mag., 87, 130–142,, 2023. 
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Aurisicchio, C., Ottolini, L., and Pezzotta, F.: Electron- and ion-microprobe analyses, and genetic inferences of tourmalines of the foitite–schorl solid solution, Elba Island (Italy), Eur. J. Mineral., 11, 217–225,, 1999. 
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Short summary
Elba tourmaline crystals commonly display a sharp transition to dark colors at the analogous termination, but the mechanisms leading to the formation of such terminations are unclear. Here we propose a general genetic model in which, as a consequence of a pocket rupture event, chemical alteration of early formed Fe-/Mn-rich minerals in the enclosing pegmatite was responsible for the release of Fe and/or Mn in the geochemical system, allowing the formation of the late-stage dark terminations.