Articles | Volume 35, issue 4
Research article
31 Jul 2023
Research article |  | 31 Jul 2023

Effect of oxygen fugacity on the storage of water in wadsleyite and olivine in H and H–C fluids and implications for melting atop the transition zone

Nathalie Bolfan-Casanova, Loïs Martinek, Geeth Manthilake, Maximilien Verdier-Paoletti, and Paul Chauvigne

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Cited articles

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Short summary
This work shows that even under the low oxygen fugacities prevailing in the deep upper mantle and transition zone, around 410 km depth, the storage capacity in the nominally anhydrous mineral olivine and its high-pressure polymorph, wadsleyite, is still substantial, with up to 0.8–1 wt % at the iron-wüstite buffer and 1300–1400 °C for wadsleyite, even in the presence of carbon.