Articles | Volume 34, issue 3
Research article
24 May 2022
Research article |  | 24 May 2022

High-pressure homogenization of olivine-hosted CO2-rich melt inclusions in a piston cylinder: insight into the volatile content of primary mantle melts

Roxane Buso, Didier Laporte, Federica Schiavi, Nicolas Cluzel, and Claire Fonquernie


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Short summary
Magmas transport large amounts of CO2 from Earth's mantle into the atmosphere and thus contribute significantly to the global carbon cycle. We have developed an experimental method to homogenize at high pressure small liquid droplets trapped in magmatic crystals to gain access to the initial composition of the parental magma (major and volatile elements). With this technique, we show that magmas produced by melting of the subcontinental mantle contain several weight percent of CO2.