Articles | Volume 36, issue 5
Research article
18 Sep 2024
Research article |  | 18 Sep 2024

Mineralogical characterization of magnesium-based nanoparticles recovered from a swirl-stabilized magnesium flame by analytical and scanning/transmission electron microscopy

Ruggero Vigliaturo, Giulia Pia Servetto, Erica Bittarello, Quentin Wehrung, Jean-François Brilhac, and Gwenaëlle Trouvé


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Short summary
Technology for producing energy with zero-carbon emissions must be developed in light of the current climate emergency. Using recyclable metal fuels, such as magnesium (Mg), is one practical solution. Metals can therefore be seen as regenerable fuels and new energy vectors since the energy they contain can be transferred and released through metal combustion. To optimize the particle trapping capacity of the investigated system, we successfully characterized magnesium oxide (MgO) crystals.