Articles | Volume 36, issue 5
Research article
10 Sep 2024
Research article |  | 10 Sep 2024

When detection and quantification of mineral fibres in natural raw materials are at their limit – the case of a clay from the Gomsiqe–Puka mining area (Albania)

Alessandro F. Gualtieri, Simona Marchetti Dori, Daniele Malferrari, Tommaso Giovanardi, Riccardo Fantini, Francesco Colombo, Mattia Sisti, Rossella Arletti, Maria Cristina Gamberini, Eleonora Braschi, Andrea Orlando, and Enrico Mugnaioli

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Short summary
This work deals with a challenging case of a commercial clay from Gomsiqe–Puka (Albania) contaminated by mineral fibres. Detection and quantification of asbestos in this material push the boundaries of current experimental methods. Using TEM, micro-Raman spectroscopy, and EPMA, we identified the presence of asbestos tremolite, along with a rare fibrous variety of diopside. The impact of milling on the detection and quantification of mineral fibres was also evaluated.