Celebrating the outstanding contribution of Paola Bonazzi to mineralogy
Celebrating the outstanding contribution of Paola Bonazzi to mineralogy
Editor(s): Elisabetta Rampone (University of Genoa, Italy), Luca Bindi (University of Florence, Italy), Marco Pasero (University of Pisa, Italy), and Dmitry Pushcharovsky (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia)

On 18 March 2024, after a brief fulminant illness, Paola Bonazzi prematurely passed away at the age of 63. Many of you will remember her for the elegance of her scientific works. Paola, a well-known active professor of the University of Florence, was a key member of the mineralogical community and left an indelible mark on our field. We were privileged to share her brilliant ideas and her infectious enthusiasm for conducting research on accessory minerals and especially on As-bearing minerals. Her spirit will live forever in the halls of our universities and for those who were fortunate enough to know her. Her legacy will remain with us through her works. This special issue comprises articles that want to honour Paola’s career and continue to build her lasting legacy.

Review process: all papers of this special issue underwent the regular peer-review process of European Journal of Mineralogy handled by members of the editorial board as well as guest editors designated by the EJM chief editors.

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22 Aug 2024
Evidence of the existence of the As4S6 molecule produced by light exposure of alacranite, As8S9
Luca Bindi, Paola Bonazzi, Laura Chelazzi, Matteo M. N. Franceschini, Giovanni O. Lepore, Marta Morana, Giovanni Pratesi, Alice Taddei, Matteo Zoppi, and Silvio Menchetti
Eur. J. Mineral., 36, 615–622, https://doi.org/10.5194/ejm-36-615-2024,https://doi.org/10.5194/ejm-36-615-2024, 2024
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