Articles | Volume 36, issue 4
Research article
22 Aug 2024
Research article |  | 22 Aug 2024

Evidence of the existence of the As4S6 molecule produced by light exposure of alacranite, As8S9

Luca Bindi, Paola Bonazzi, Laura Chelazzi, Matteo M. N. Franceschini, Giovanni O. Lepore, Marta Morana, Giovanni Pratesi, Alice Taddei, Matteo Zoppi, and Silvio Menchetti

Data sets

CCDC 2366909: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination Luca Bindi

Short summary
The As4S6 molecule was missing in the reported structures of crystalline As chalcogenides. Here we report the first occurrence of the As4S6 molecule together with the other known As4Sn (n = 3, 4, 5) molecules randomly replacing each other in the crystalline structure of a new monoclinic product obtained by the light-induced alteration of the mineral alacranite, As8S9.