Articles | Volume 35, issue 5
Research article
19 Sep 2023
Research article |  | 19 Sep 2023

Metamorphic titanite–zircon pseudomorphs after igneous zirconolite

Cindy L. Urueña, Charlotte Möller, and Anders Plan

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Cited articles

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Short summary
This paper reports on metamorphic titanate + zircon pseudomorphs after igneous zirconolite based on the textural relationships in samples from a key locality of a Mesoproterozoic syenodiorite, in which the rock preserves different states of deformation and metamorphic recrystallisation. The metamorphic reaction to form titanite + zircon intergrowths required the zirconolite breakdown and the release of silica and calcium from the consumption of igneous pyroxene and feldspars.