Articles | Volume 35, issue 3
Research article
17 May 2023
Research article |  | 17 May 2023

One-atmosphere high-temperature CO–CO2–SO2 gas-mixing furnace: design, operation, and applications

Shashank Prabha-Mohan, Kenneth T. Koga, Antoine Mathieu, Franck Pointud, and Diego F. Narvaez


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Short summary
This work presents an in-depth description of a new design for a high-temperature gas-mixing furnace using a mixture of CO–CO2–SO2. It has been designed and built with user safety in mind. The furnace can sustain temperatures of up to 1650 °C. This furnace sets itself apart with its size and unique quench mechanism. Crucially, the apparatus has the ability to change the gas mixture during an experiment. This feature allows the user to simulate natural environments, such as volcanoes.