Articles | Volume 33, issue 4
Research article
21 Jul 2021
Research article |  | 21 Jul 2021

Geochemistry and paleogeographic implications of Permo-Triassic metasedimentary cover from the Tauern Window (Eastern Alps)

Gerhard Franz, Martin Kutzschbach, Eleanor J. Berryman, Anette Meixner, Anselm Loges, and Dina Schultze


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Short summary
Metamorphic rocks contain information about their original rocks and thus provide insight into the earlier stages of a region of interest. Here, we used the whole-rock chemical composition and stable boron isotopes of a suite of rocks from the Alps (Italy–Austria), which were deposited in a restricted intramontane basin before the Alpine orogeny. It is possible to reconstruct the depositional conditions for these sediments, which are now common metamorphic rocks such as schists and gneisses.