Articles | Volume 36, issue 5
Research article
09 Oct 2024
Research article |  | 09 Oct 2024

Experimental petrology constraints on kamafugitic magmas

Francesca Innocenzi, Isra S. Ezad, Sara Ronca, Samuele Agostini, Michele Lustrino, and Stephen F. Foley


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Short summary
Kamafugites are rare ultrabasic/basic K2O-rich rocks. High-pressure–high-temperature experiments on four samples from the known type localities (Italy, Brazil, Uganda) constrained their melting assemblage, unlike a classical peridotite. Clinopyroxene and phlogopite are the first near-liquidus phases. Olivine appears in two runs. The different abundances of the main phases and the variable contribution of apatite, oxides and titanite explain the variegated kamafugite geochemical features.