Articles | Volume 36, issue 4
Research article
30 Aug 2024
Research article |  | 30 Aug 2024

Crystal chemistry of Belgian ardennites

Martin Depret, Frédéric Hatert, Michel Blondieau, Stéphane Puccio, Muriel M. L. Erambert, Fabrice Dal Bo, and Florent Bomal

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Cited articles

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Baijot, M., Hatert, F., and Fransolet, A.-M.: Mineralogical and geochemical study of pseudocoticule from the Stavelot Massif, Ardennes (Belgium), and redefinition of coticule, Can. Mineral., 23, 633–644, 2011. 
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Bermanec, M., Chukanov, N. V., Boev, I., Šturman, B. D., Zebec, V., and Bermanec, V.: Ardennite-bearing mineral association related to sulfide-free ores with chalcophile metals at Nežilovo, Pelagonian Massif, North Macedonia, Eur. J. Mineral., 33, 433–445,, 2021. 
Short summary
Ardennite is a rare Mn-rich aluminosilicate that was originally described in Salmchâteau, Belgium. In the last few years, new samples of ardennites have been found at several localities close to Salmchâteau. These samples were analysed by electron microprobe, single-crystal X-ray diffraction, and infrared spectroscopy. The results given in this paper allow us to identify the main substitution mechanisms that occur in Belgian ardennites and to discuss the nomenclature of the ardennite group.