Articles | Volume 36, issue 3
Research article
03 May 2024
Research article |  | 03 May 2024

Kenoargentotetrahedrite-(Zn), [Ag6]4+(Cu4Zn2)Sb4S12□, a new member of the tetrahedrite group from the Yindongpo Au deposit, China

Kai Qu, Xianzhang Sima, Xiangping Gu, Weizhi Sun, Guang Fan, Zeqiang Yang, and Yanjuan Wang


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Short summary
In this paper, the full description of the extremely rare [Ag6]4+-cluster-containing new tetrahedrite-group mineral kenoargentotetrahedrite-(Zn) is reported. The structure refinement result confirms the coupling between the site occupancy factor of subvalent hexasilver clusters at the M(2) site and that of the vacancy at the S(2) site. This relationship further substantiates the charge balance substitution mechanism of S-deficiency tetrahedrites: 6M(2)Ag+ + S(2)S2– = M(2)[Ag6]4+ + S(2)□.