Articles | Volume 35, issue 3
Research article
31 May 2023
Research article |  | 31 May 2023

In situ single-crystal X-ray diffraction of olivine inclusion in diamond from Shandong, China: implications for the depth of diamond formation

Yanjuan Wang, Fabrizio Nestola, Huaikun Li, Zengqian Hou, Martha G. Pamato, Davide Novella, Alessandra Lorenzetti, Pia Antonietta Antignani, Paolo Cornale, Jacopo Nava, Guochen Dong, and Kai Qu


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Latest update: 27 Sep 2024
Short summary
In this work we have applied the elastic geobarometry approach to a Chinese diamond in order to determine the depth of formation of an olivine-bearing diamond. Together with the temperature of residence at which the diamond resided in the mantle, we were able to discover that the diamond was formed at about 190 km depth. Beyond the geological meaning of our results, this work could be a reference paper for future works on Chinese diamonds using elastic geobarometry.