Articles | Volume 32, issue 1
Research article
16 Jan 2020
Research article |  | 16 Jan 2020

Raman spectroscopic identification of cookeite in the crystal-rich inclusions in spodumene from the Jiajika lithium pegmatite deposit, China, and its geological implications

Xin Ding, Jiankang Li, I-Ming Chou, Zhenyu Chen, and Shenghu Li


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Short summary
Our research found that the cookeite crystallized within a closed space (e.g., crystal-rich inclusion, CI, in pegmatites) at relatively high PT conditions might bear distinct and high-purity Raman signals. As a result, this type of cookeite is unusual and provides an indicator of cookeite crystallized in the closed spaces of a primary inclusion (e.g., CI), beneficial for recognizing the primary nature of the CIs in pegmatites and understanding the formation mechanisms of CIs and pegmatites.