Articles | Volume 32, issue 1
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The Neolithic greenstone industry of Chiomonte (northwestern Italy): mineralogy, petrography and archaeometric implications
Roberto Giustetto
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Turin, Via Valperga Caluso
35, Turin, 10125, Italy
NIS – Nanostructured Interfaces and Surfaces Centre, Via Quarello
15/A, Turin, 10135, Italy
INFN – National Institute of Nuclear Physics, Via Giuria 5, Turin,
10125, Italy
Stefania Padovan
Parco Archeologico del Lago Pistono, Piazza IV Novembre 3, Montalto
Dora, 10016, Italy
Luca Barale
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto di Geoscienze e
Georisorse, Via Valperga Caluso 35, Turin, 10125, Italy
Roberto Compagnoni
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Turin, Via Valperga Caluso
35, Turin, 10125, Italy
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Jane A. Gilotti, William C. McClelland, Simon Schorn, Roberto Compagnoni, and Matthew A. Coble
Eur. J. Mineral., 35, 645–658,,, 2023
Short summary
Short summary
We show that metamorphosed sedimentary rocks in the Western Alps have a detrital zircon signature that connects them to the Adrian plate along the Gondwana margin. We used zircon to learn that a jadeite-bearing orthogneiss intruded into these strata in the Ordovician (at ~460 Ma) and was metamorphosed at high pressure during early Alpine subduction of Adria beneath Europe at ~78 Ma. Our results are consistent with the complex subduction of Adria before full-on collision with the European plate.
Luca Barale, Giancarlo Capitani, Paolo Castello, Roberto Compagnoni, Roberto Cossio, Gianluca Fiore, Linda Pastero, and Marcello Mellini
Eur. J. Mineral., 35, 347–360,,, 2023
Short summary
Short summary
The first occurrence of centimeter-thick PS-15 polygonal serpentine veins from ultramafics of Monte Avic, Val d'Aosta, is here reported. The combined mineralogical study led by three techniques with different resolutions has provided new analytical tools capable of recognizing the PS-15 polygonal serpentine. In particular, X-ray powder diffraction data (XRPD) and micro-Raman recognize polygonal serpentine more quickly and easily than transmission electron microscopy (TEM) but equally rigorously.
Giancarlo Capitani, Roberto Compagnoni, Roberto Cossio, Serena Botta, and Marcello Mellini
Eur. J. Mineral., 33, 425–432,,, 2021
Short summary
Short summary
Unusually large lizardite (Lz) crystals from Monte Fico serpentinites, Elba (Mellini and Viti, 1994), have allowed several subsequent studies. During a µ-Raman study of serpentine minerals (Compagnoni et al., 2021), the careful microscopic examination of this Lz showed
spongymicrostructure. TEM observations confirmed that the Lz hosts voids, filled with chrysotile and polygonal serpentine; their mutual relationships indicate that Lz grew up with a skeletal habit and fibres epitactically.
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Short summary
The Neolithic polished stone industry of Chiomonte was studied with a multi-analytical approach, with the aim of providing information about the raw material origins and supply sources. Most tools are made of greenstones. Specific mineral and chemical markers were found, pointing to an origin in the Monviso area. The presence on roughouts and broken tools with raw surfaces ascribable to pebbles or cobbles suggests that these rocks had been picked up from glacial or alluvial secondary sources.
The Neolithic polished stone industry of Chiomonte was studied with a multi-analytical approach,...