Articles | Volume 32, issue 1
Research article
30 Jan 2020
Research article |  | 30 Jan 2020

The Neolithic greenstone industry of Chiomonte (northwestern Italy): mineralogy, petrography and archaeometric implications

Roberto Giustetto, Stefania Padovan, Luca Barale, and Roberto Compagnoni

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Cited articles

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Short summary
The Neolithic polished stone industry of Chiomonte was studied with a multi-analytical approach, with the aim of providing information about the raw material origins and supply sources. Most tools are made of greenstones. Specific mineral and chemical markers were found, pointing to an origin in the Monviso area. The presence on roughouts and broken tools with raw surfaces ascribable to pebbles or cobbles suggests that these rocks had been picked up from glacial or alluvial secondary sources.