Articles | Volume 36, issue 4
Research article
19 Aug 2024
Research article |  | 19 Aug 2024

Rotherkopfite, KNa2(Fe2+2.5Ti4+1.5)Fe2+(Si4O12)2, a new neptunite-group mineral without essential lithium, from Rother Kopf, Eifel volcanic fields, Germany

Anthony R. Kampf, Gerhard Möhn, Chi Ma, George R. Rossman, Joy Désor, and Yunbin Guan


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Short summary
Rotherkopfite is the first member of the neptunite group that does not contain lithium in its chemical formula. It was found at Rother Kopf, Eifel volcanic fields, Germany, where in occurs in cavities in a quartz–sanidine fragment embedded in a volcanic rock. Rotherkopfite occurs as dark brownish-red crystals, up to about 0.2 mm across. The intriguing crystal structure is based on two interwoven three-dimensional frameworks.