Articles | Volume 36, issue 1
Research article
04 Jan 2024
Research article |  | 04 Jan 2024

Structural and compositional data for childrenite from the Homolka granite, Czech Republic

Jonas Toupal, Daniela Mauro, Cristian Biagioni, Federica Zaccarini, and Reto Gieré

Data sets

Lithium-bearing phosphates and micas in Homolka leucogranite R. Nahodilova

Short summary
In this work, we refine the crystal structure of childrenite. Additionally, we provide compositional data to substantially extend the published solid-solution series between childrenite and eosphorite, the Fe and Mn endmembers, respectively. We analyze the valence state of iron to avoid erroneous classification of ernstite or potential discovery of "oxychildrenite", a mineral species not yet confirmed to be stable in nature.