Articles | Volume 35, issue 3
Research article
01 Jun 2023
Research article |  | 01 Jun 2023

Fe-bearing vanadium dioxide–paramontroseite: structural details and high-temperature transformation

Nadia Curetti and Alessandro Pavese

Data sets

The Cambridge Structural Database C. R. Groom, I. J. Bruno, M. P. Lightfoot and S. C. Ward

Model code and software

The Cambridge Structural Database C. R. Groom, I. J. Bruno, M. P. Lightfoot and S. C. Ward

Short summary
Paramontroseite is a V dioxide (a = 4.8960(14) Å, b = 9.395(3) Å, c = 2.9163(5) Å, V = 134.14(6) Å3; space group Pbnm). The sample under investigation (Prachovice mine, Czech Republic) bears 20 wt % of Fe2O3, and the Fe atoms occupy tetrahedral sites arranged in the empty channel along z. Thermal expansion is anisotropic. At T > 350 °C, paramontroseite decomposes and two new phases form: V2O5 (V-pentoxide) and V4Fe2O13 (Fe-tetrapolyvanadate).