Articles | Volume 32, issue 6
Research article
02 Nov 2020
Research article |  | 02 Nov 2020

Two new minerals, badengzhuite, TiP, and zhiqinite, TiSi2, from the Cr-11 chromitite orebody, Luobusa ophiolite, Tibet, China: is this evidence for super-reduced mantle-derived fluids?

Fahui Xiong, Xiangzhen Xu, Enrico Mugnaioli, Mauro Gemmi, Richard Wirth, Edward S. Grew, Paul T. Robinson, and Jingsui Yang


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Short summary
Two new nanominerals: titanium monophosphide and titanium disilicide, formed at pressures of Earth’s upper mantle by the action of methane and hydrogen from the mantle on basaltic melts in the Luobusa ophiolite (Tibet). The minerals were characterized by 3D electron diffraction, which can solve the crystal structures of phases less than a micrometer in size. The results contribute to our understanding of deeply subducted crustal rocks and their exhumation back to the Earth's surface.